Posted on 10/19/2022

OBX Inspired Halloween Costumes


Is this too obvious? if so, let us elaborate


The most infamous pirate of the Outer Banks, this is a fairly easy costume to pull off. Bonus points if you can somehow get your costume's beard to stand up on ends as if it's ablaze just like the legend of old Edward Teach's himself

Black Beards Flag

An iconic symbol. A skeleton outline costume, plus a crown, a fake dagger/arrow and some hearts could bring this flag to life.


This idea doesn't have to stick to the traditional mermaid costume. Netted or "all caught up" mermaid has taken flight, it's where one dresses as a mermaid but also adds seaweed, fishnet imprinted makeup, barnacles, etc. to make it appear as if they were a mermaid caught in a net. There really are a lot of neat and diverse options to the whole mermaid look.

Side note: no matter what mermaid style you choose, a pro tip is to get a fishnet stocking, place over an area of skin, and brush over eyeshadow or glitter, once you lift up the fishnet, it will leave a scaly/fishnet imprint behind for ultimate #mermaidvibes

Captain / Skipper

Pull out those "Wanchese Slippers" your finest waterproof/fishing shoes, plain white pants and a striped top, complete the look with a captain's hat or other marine inspired cap. Bonus points for sporting a captain's wheel accessory.

Ocean Rescue

A painted white nose, sunnies, red swimsuit/sweatshirt all topped off with a whistle around the neck will complete this look of the OBXs beach heroes.


Hawaiian shirts, board shorts, sun hats, sun glasses strapped to croakies, a fully blushed face to emulate sunburn, and a camera around the neck will do the trick.


Okay, so this is truly a unique one, however it could be fairly easy! Make a shirt that mimics your fav OBX lighthouse (like black and white stripes) and then hot glue a light of any sort (headlamp, touch lamp, batter operated light) to a headband/tape to forehead. Last-minute costume approved!

Marine Life

Dolphin, shark, fish, octopus, crab, turtle, or even an alligator all inhabit our sandbar and would be a fairly easy way to reflect on your happy place!

The Wright Brothers

Perfect option for more than one person! Scour the thrift stores or online shops for your best 1910-1920s inspired fits. Carry a model plane, wright flyer "blueprints", or a compass to really embrace the role.

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